Latin America and the Caribbean seek to increase their climate ambition by strengthening the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework January 30, 2020 Leer más »
Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica y Uruguay intercambiaron experiencias con países europeos para el desarrollo de estrategias de descarbonización para 2050 January 30, 2020 Leer más »
LAC countries are working on the development of common agendas for the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement January 30, 2020 Leer más »
Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation to climate change are key to the advancement of NDCs in the region January 30, 2020 Leer más »
Authorities work on plans to reduce methane emissions in the Latin American oil and gas sector January 30, 2020 Leer más »
Peru prepares to report its NDC with a strong focus on adaptation and mapping of private sector investments January 30, 2020 Leer más »