Peru prepares to report its NDC with a strong focus on adaptation and mapping of private sector investments

On March 19, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved the project “Building capacity of the transparency system for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Peru” (CBIT-Peru). This project supports Peru in complying with the reporting requirements introduced by the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. It also enhances Peru’s abilities to report their progress on the Paris Agreement commitments to their own citizens.

Specifically, this project will build Peru’s technical and institutional capacities to generate an internal inter-institutional information system for various climate action strategies and documents: the National Determined Contribution (NDC) for both mitigation and adapation; the long-term strategy formulation, which is based on scientific evidence to become a low carbon country; and a system to report public and private investments within mitigation and adaptation.

Regarding the last mentioned system, it is important to highlight that Peru is one of the pioneer countries in committing to collect and provide information on public and private investments in adaptation and mitigation issues. Peru is also a pioneer in allocating funds from its CBIT project to report its progress on adaptation to climate change, including the health sub-sector.

The UN Environment and UNEP DTU Partnership Centre for Climate Transparency in Latin America and the Caribbean is technically accompanying the South American country in its process of building technical and institutional capacities to strengthen transparency in climate action. This through both training and the development of tools for different government sectors in order to achieve a common climate language that allows systematizing the flow of information on climate action.

With this step Peru joins Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay as countries that are already in execution of their climate transparency projects.